Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Surveying the Bargain - Is it a steal?

Quick Tip:
When bargain hunting, here are some questions that I like to ask myself to determine whether I should buy a garment or not.

1. Will this last if I wash it at home or will I need to spend on dry-cleaning?
2. Are there quality fastenings and is the finishing done properly on this piece (buttons, zippers, hem, etc)?
3. What other pieces can I pair this with that will make the outfit look complete?
4. Will this work with the belts, shoes, jackets that already I own?

Hope this helps! Do you have any tips on how to survey the bargain? Share with the Bargain Babe.


Anonymous said...

Help, I am a fashion disaster. I need you to help clean out my closet and start all over.

One of my favorite stores is H&M...I find great bargains.

Bargain Babe said...

I happen to know you aren't a fashion disaster! Your taste is quite good. I agree - H&M is a great place to find a bargain. Their tops and accessories work better for me than their pants and skirts for some reason.